The casino industry is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world, and it’s not just because it has millions of customers who love to gamble. It’s also because casinos know how to get more people through their doors by using different techniques that make their websites easy to use and understand. From simple tweaks like making CTAs bigger and fonts bolder, to more advanced concepts like AI chatbots, there are thousands of ways you can improve your casino’s web design.

That being said, here are 10 trends collected by an online casino designer at Red Stag Casino that will help make your casino web design the best it can be.

Storyline and background

A background is the backdrop of your casino site. It provides context and meaning to all other aspects of your online casino. It can be used to tell a story about who you are as an organization, what kinds of games you offer, how much fun players will have in this environment, and more.

If you are creating a new casino website from scratch (or updating an existing one), here are trends to follow when choosing a background for your site:

  • Use an image that is relevant to the player’s interests and preferences. If they like sports, use images from sporting events or teams they follow; if they love animals or nature photography, incorporate these into the design.
  • Choose an image that fits with your brand identity and captures people’s emotions appropriately when they visit different parts of your website. For instance: excitement when visiting promotions pages; comfort when reading about safety measures; fear when playing horror-themed slot machines; etc.

Immersive designs

Immersive designs are a hot topic these days. The idea is to offer an even deeper level of immersion than what online casinos have offered in the past. This can be done by making everything on your site feel more like you’re actually in the casino itself, not just playing on your computer or phone.

One way to do this is with sound effects and music that match what’s going on in-game. For instance, if you play slots, try having background noises that sound like slot machines and bells ringing as you hit jackpots or trigger bonus rounds. You could even record real-life casino sounds so you can have people hear things like dice rolling across a table or cards being shuffled for blackjack games.

Another way to make an immersive experience is through visuals; use high quality images of actual slot machines from popular casinos around the world (if possible). Add some nice touches such as golden chips when someone wins money at slot machines instead of just showing generic money symbols all over the place. These little details matter when trying to create an immersive environment where players feel like they’re at a real live casino rather than just sitting behind a screen somewhere else entirely.

Dark mode UI

Dark mode websites are easier on the eyes, especially for people who work in front of a screen for long periods of time. It also makes it easier to read content on the page without straining your eyes.

It’s used to create a mood or brand identity rather than simply being used as an aesthetic choice. It’s common these days for restaurants and bars to have dark modes at night, while more light-filled designs are used during the day when there is more light available.

Enlarged font sizes

Font sizes are one of the most important factors in readability. The larger your font size, the easier it is for users to read your content. This has been proven time and time again across many different types of content, including articles, web pages and even tweets on Twitter.

When it comes to casino web design, this isn’t just a theory: it’s a fact! When you’re designing your website with a casino theme in mind, you should really focus heavily on making sure that all of your text is easy to read. This could mean making sure that everything from headings down through body copy is easy to follow without straining yourself too much or squinting at small letters for too long.

Bigger CTAs

One of the most important elements of web design is the CTA (call to action). This is a website’s most important button, and it should be clear enough that it cannot be missed.

It’s crucial that a CTA stands out on your site so that users can see it; if they don’t see the button, they won’t click on it. If you have a lot of CTAs on your site, make sure they are easy to read and understand what each does.

Make sure your buttons are big enough for users to click easily. A good rule of thumb for size is around 45% of the width/height of their container element.

Easy navigation

Navigation is a crucial part of any website, and it can be especially important for casino sites. There are many ways to help your visitors find what they’re looking for, including drop-down menus, tabs, breadcrumbs and search boxes.

Drop-down menus are used to display secondary choices in a clear way. The visitor can select the option that best fits their needs by simply clicking on it with the mouse or by using their keyboard. This type of menu should be placed close to its parent content so that users don’t have to go far away from their original location when looking for more details about an offer or product (e.g., “see our games”).

Tabs allow you to add multiple pages within your website without having too much clutter on one page. Each tab has its own set of content which makes navigation much easier than going through multiple pages before finding what you want or need. Tabs also make sure there isn’t any overlap between categories so that visitors won’t feel overwhelmed by all the options available when browsing through them at once – just click on whatever topic interests them most.

Breadcrumbs show where you’ve come from while visiting a site; this helps visitors understand where they currently are within its hierarchy structure since it shows how many steps they’ve taken since coming onto this particular page (e..g., “Home > Casinos > USA”). This feature lets users better understand why some links lead back up again instead of being able to navigate directly between every single page link like most websites do today.

Optimized for mobile devices

When developing a casino website, you’ll want to make sure it’s optimized for mobile devices. This is because more people are using mobile phones to access the internet than ever before and they’re doing so more frequently. In fact, studies show that 78% of all digital media time on smartphones occurs while browsing the web or using apps.

Mobile devices have limited screen sizes, slower internet connections and less processing power than desktop computers. They also have smaller batteries that need recharging more often than desktop computers do since they can’t be plugged in as easily (at least not everywhere). Finally, they tend to have less storage space for files like images or videos which can slow down your website’s performance when loading new content onto it in real time (eCommerce websites especially could suffer from this problem).

Because of these limitations, making sure your casino website is optimized for mobile devices should be one of your top priorities when designing your next casino site redesign project!

Secured website

A secured website is a must-have for any casino operator that wants to attract players. A secured website allows you to use secure protocols like HTTPS and SSL certificate, which encrypt the data being sent from the browser to your server. The best way for players to know that they are on a secured site is by checking whether the URL starts with “https://” instead of “http://”.

Instant loading speeds

Casino web design is an important part of a casino’s overall marketing strategy. The site should be designed to attract new players, improve customer service and boost revenues. It is also important that the site loads quickly so that users do not get frustrated or annoyed by slow loading times.

There are many factors that influence the speed of your casino website, including:

  • How it is coded (HTML5 vs Flash)
  • The number of images used on the page
  • The number of plugins installed on your site (e.g., ad blockers)
  • The size of these files

Chatbot with AI and live chat options

One trend to follow is the increasing use of chatbots. Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to interact with customers. They can be used for customer service and retention, as well as customer acquisition by providing information on new games, bonuses, loyalty programs and other promotions.


The world of casino web design is changing fast, and that’s why it’s so important to stay on top of new trends. If you can keep up with market changes, then your website will always be relevant and appealing to potential players. If you don’t pay attention, though? Then someone else might come along and take your share of the market away from you before long. So don’t let that happen! Instead, follow these trends closely so that they can help improve your own casino site — and maybe even drive more traffic.